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DInacharya (Daily Routine) - Part 4

Dinacharya will not be complete without making our mind happy and calm. For the mental wellbeing, one should follow the words of wisdom mentioned by Vagbhatacharya in his book Ashtanga Hridaya.

All living creatures yearn for happiness. There is no happiness without righteousness. Hence everybody should follow righteousness (dharma).

Friends should be served with affection and good deals, whereas others should be kept at a distance.

The following 10 sins pertaining the body, speech and mind should be avoided.

  • Himsa / हिंसा (torturing)

  • Steya / स्तेया (stealing)

  • Paishoonya / स्तेया (harsh speech)

  • Anyadha Kama / अन्यथा काम (unlawful sexual activity )

  • Anruta Vachana / अनृत वचन (speaking untruth)

  • Sambhinna Alaapa / सम्भिन्न आलाप (changing statements constantly)

  • Vyapada / व्यापद (quarrel)

  • Abhidya / अभिद्य (jealousy)

  • Drikviparyaya / दृक्विपर्यय (finding fault in others, misunderstanding etc)

All creatures should be seen with respect. One should be helpful even though they are not being helped. A balanced mind should be maintained both in calamity and prosperity. One should not be envious towards happiness and wealth of others. Speak at the right times. Speak good words, do not argue, do not tell untrue things. Be the first to greet anb start the conversation, have a smiling face, Be soft in speech and activity. Do not be a person who likes to be alone always. Do not believe everything around you. Do not suspect everything around. Do not publically talk about insults that you underwent, and do not publically talk about your kings (boss /seniors).

The sense organs should not be strained much. One should carry out their occupation with without contradicting dharma and karma. Avoid extremes in all activities. Cut nails, hair and moustaches regularly. One should stop the activities of the body, of speech and of mind before getting exhausted. No one should gaze the sun for a long time, or carry heavy weight on the head. Do not keep gazing into objects which are minute, shining, dirty and unpleasant. Those who adopts the rules of good conducts (SADVRITHA / सद्वृत्त ) will attain long life, health, wealth, reputation and also the eternal world.

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