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how do we combat allergy issues?

Allergy is one of the most common health issues faced by individuals now-a-days. There are numerous types of allergies and and many causes for allergic reactions. To overcome allergic reactions, we must firstly identify the cause for the allergy and try to stay as away from it as possible. For example, the most common type of allergy seen around is dust allergy, and we must try to avoid dusty places and keep our homes clean in order to combat this. If our allergic reactions are caused by specific food substances, it is important to avoid such food items. It is also important to read the ingredient lists of food items when purchasing from stores.

One basic allergy reduction methods is to consume turmeric powder. Half a teaspoon of turmeric powder can be taken everyday with milk (avoid milk if you are lactose intolerant). Doing this for a long period of time will reduce allergies. Ayurvedic medicines like Haridrakhandam (ഹരിദ്രാഖണ്ഡം), Chavanaprasham (ച്യവനപ്രാശം), Agasthya rasayanam (അഗസ്ത്യരസായനം) can be used for common allergies (other than food). A more detailed answer can only be given if the cause and the type of allergy is known. An article detailing allergies and its treatment according to Ayurveda will be posted soon.

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