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तुलसी (Tulsi)

Botonical Name -

कृष्ण तुलसी – Ocimum Sanctum

श्वेत तुलसी - Ocimum Americanum

Tulsi is a well-known plant with a lot of medicinal value.

तुलसी कटुका तिक्ता हृद्योष्णा दाह पित्त कृत्

दीपनी कृछ्रस्र पार्श्व रुक् कफ वात जित्

शुक्ला कृष्णा च तुलसी गुणैस्तुल्या प्रकीर्तिता

Rasa - Katu (pungent) and Tiktha (bitter)

Veerya (potency) - Ushna (hot)

Vipaka – Katu

Guna (properties) – Laghu (light), Rooksha (dry), Teekshna (piercing)

Effect on Tridosha- Reduces Vata and Kapha, increases Pitta.

Parts used – leaves, roots and seeds

Dosage -

Fresh juice (swarasa) - 10 to 15 ml

Kashaya (decoction) - 50 ml

Seed powder - 5 -10 grams

Uses -

  • Reduces Kapha

  • Reduces krimi dosha, and is used as an antiviral

  • Improves taste and digestion power

  • It acts as a cardiac tonic and removes cholesterol deposition in the blood vessels.

  • Useful for asthma and chronic respiratory diseases.

  • Useful for hiccups and vomiting

  • Useful for reducing itching and pain in skin diseases.

  • Helps to reduce difficulty in urination and kidney stones

  • Useful in eye disorders

  • For skin diseases, apply tulsi and turmeric paste.

  • For sinusitis, do nasya using tulsi juice (2 drops in each nostril)

  • Tulsi juice along with honey reduces hoarse voice and throat pain

  • Chewing a few tulsi leaves with pepper and a pinch of rock salt reduces throat problems.

  • Applying a paste of tulsi, turmeric, and neem leaf reduces fungal infection and insect bites.

  • Tulasi swarasa with pepper powder reduces vishamajwara (malaria).

  • Swetha tulsi with ginger juice reduces indigestion

  • Juices of tulsi and bhringaraja (kayyonni) with honey and sugar candy (kalkkandam) is good for productive cough.

  • Tulasi juice with old jaggery reduces postpartum stomach ache.

  • Tulasi should not be taken with milk.

Oushadha yogas -

Vilvadi gulika (antiviral)

Tribhuvanakirthi rasa (fever)

Manasamithram vatakam

Bhavaprakasha says both Krishna Tulasi and Sweta Tulasi have the same properties.

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