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What is your Prakruthi? Body nature according to Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, every person has a particular body type, or prakruthi. A person's prakruthi is determined as early as during fertilization. The prakruthi of the parents and the eating habits of the mother while pregnant are deciding factors of a person's prakruthi. Prakruthi is determined around the three doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. A person may have a dominant dosha, but will also have traits of other doshas. In Ayurvedic treatment, a person's prakruthi is first established. Creating food and other habits complementary to a person's dosha enables him to live the most healthy life. Determining the course of treatment for a person is also done according to his or her dominant dosha. For any person, during their childhood, the Kapha dosha is dominant. During youth, pitta dosha is dominant, and in old-age Vatha dosha is dominant.

A person with kapha prakruthi is more likely to face health issues related to Kapha. They are prone to respiratory problems and is likely to catch a cold and get throat infections if they eat cold items.

Similarly, a person with pitta prakruthi is likely to face problems such as acidity and burning sensations.

A person with vata prakruthi is likely to face rheumatic diseases.

Hence, each person should try to understand their respective prakruthi and develop habits that are harmonious with that prakruthi.

The following is a comprehensive table detailing the characteristics of the three doshas -

Understanding one's dosha and prakruthi helps them to maintain health and plan their lifestyle and a balanced diet. It is also important for the doctor to know the patient's prakruthi. A person doesn't necessarily have one single dosha. They will also portray characteristics of the other doshas besides their dominant one.

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